alex & sam on tour!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Day 3 Fiji Experience

These pics are of the Cava ceremony which was held in a strict traditional village. During the ceremony alex was the chiefs spokes person and had to sit with the chief of the village and bless the bowl of cava by touching either side of the bowl and say that we accept the cava by sayin "BUNAKA". we then had to all drink the cava and this meant we was part of their family.

After the ceremony the men had to drink lots of cava (which tastes like muddy water!) and calve out the inside of coconuts. The women got to make bracelets. Trust me the women got the better end of the deal!

CAVA- is made from the roots of a tree which is traditionaly drunk by the fijians. The drink acts like a drug which makes you feel stoned, and is also a medicine for your stomach, and it makes your tongue go numb!


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